Monday, April 15, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

I have compiled a list of gift ideas in anticipation of Mother's Day 2013,  which falls on Sunday, May 12th.

The gift of appreciation:

This gift can come in many forms like a letter or a poem placed inside of a handmade card or picture frame.. Flowers are often given on this day but if your mother loves to garden, why not buy her a gift certificate from her local nursery?

The gift of great memories:

Making your mother a handmade card or scrapbook will surely win her heart but if this seems like an overwhelming task, a digital picture frame loaded with photos is just as sweet.

The gift of relaxation and Pampering:

She might appreciate anything that keeps her from lifting a finger such as a house cleaning service for a year a  or a trip to the spa. You can't fail if you keep her interest's in mind.
The gift of good company:

It is always great seeing the people you love and break bread with them. Book a table at her favorite restaurant and invite the people she loves the most and enjoy a great meal.

The gift of technology:

Last year my brothers and I bought my mother an iPad. What a mistake! My parents fought over it until we bought my father one for Father's Day. If not an iPad, how about a smartphone or a digital camera. Just don't let your father see it!

The gift of time:

If you are unable to be with your mom on Mother's Day a phone call means a lot; especially if the conversation is all about her. If you have children, give them each a chance to say hello.

If you get the chance to visit your mother, consider reminiscing. You might want to look through photo albums together. Time is precious and when it's well spent, it can become a cherished memory.

The gift of sincerety:

Just saying "I love you, Mom", goes a long way!


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