Monday, May 19, 2014

The Great Google+ Pen Pal Challenge

In celebration of National Card & Letter Month (April 2014), I invited the Google+ community to write me a letter and in turn, I would write each of them a letter and send with it a card from StationTEEN.

I was touched and overwhelmed with the responses. In fact, I am still answering some of my new found pen pals.This project is one that made me realize that I, a designer of cards and stationery, get caught up in the day to day of emails, my website and social media sites. I was reminded how much I really love building relationships with people through handwritten letters. I hope all who participated had a wonderful time.

Within a week of posting the challenge, letters began showing up in my mailbox from all over - New Jersey, California, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, Maine and Whales to name a few.


This masterpiece was designed and mailed to me by the incredibly talented, +Matthew Price, owner of Octopus Creative Design in Wales. This incredibly cool design is proof that letters aren't boring and that letters can be fun, surprising and exciting.

Sending handwritten letters are not only fun, they are a way to express yourself in a way that doesn't come through in an email. You don't don't have to buy fancy stationery and your handwriting doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, your handwriting is what makes your letter different than all other letters. You can get creative by decorating the envelope or the paper that you write on using magic markers or colored pencils. Try including photos, writing a poem or making a collage. If you buy or make a note card, why not write your letter on a piece of notepaper and include it within the card?

My most unique pen pal is, Ivy the Pit Bull.Her owner is Katherine who runs a fabulous company, Kotow Content Marketing. Their second letter is shown above. A great example of self expression. 

Writing letters enables you to develop deeper relationships wether it be with new and old friends as well as family. Do you remember how exciting it was to open your mailbox and see a letter addressed to you? You won't believe how happy you can make someone feel just by sharing a small part of your live with someone this way.

When is the last time you wrote a letter? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    Your Pen Pal Challenge was a scintillating highlight of my April... Ivy's too! Thank you so much for helping to spread the Pit Bull love by sharing Ivy's pen pal sweetness with the world :) You are so right: There are so many layers to handwritten letters and cards that simply can't be communicated through e-mails and social media posts. And the (rare) joy of receiving a handwritten letter or card is priceless. Ivy and I are so happy to be your pen pal, and so happy your Pen Pal Challenge was such a success!
